Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Hear You, Lord

Did you know that the Lord loves to tell His children what He is going to do? We need to be available to hear Him in any circumstance and then we will be positioned for amazing things. Jeremiah was in prison when he heard the Lord --" While Jeremiah was still locked up in jail,a second Message from God was given to him. This is God's message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God. 'Call to me and I will answer you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own. ( Message Bible) As I sat in my small group at Jester 3 prison last night, I heard men, who by most appraisals have nothing to have hope for, spoke about the things that God had spoken to them. They all expressed their understanding of how much God loves them and uses them for others. They talked about miracle restorations in their families. Please remember that Jeremiah and my friends in prison heard God WHILE they were in prison. You and I need to focus on the presence and voice of God in the difficult times as well as the good times. What has He said to you today? Bless you, Jennifer

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No Distractions

When God speaks to me, it seems like He takes me to visions of things that seem so far away that my initial reaction is to doubt that I really heard Him. This morning in my prayer and fasting time He said that Measuring lines have fallen on pleasant places and fair to me indeed is my inheritance. These words are out of Psalm 16. The struggles that presented themselves to me today didn't present themselves as "pleasant places" but God spoke again later in the day and said that as I love others all fear would leave because His perfect love will drive out all fear. My fear causes me to be distracted from the assignment that He has given me. He told me to stay faithful to the disciplines that will bring order - prayer,fasting, generosity, kindness and peace. Will you recommit with me today to repent and release all distractions from Loving Him and depending on Him for everything? He truly is our All In All.