Sunday, November 14, 2010

Redigging the Wells of Glory

God asks us the remember the past, not to get stuck in it but to remember what He has done for you so that your faith can be strengthened to handle what He is asking you to do today( For your current battle) Listen to Deut. 7:17-21.NIV " You may say to yourselves, 'these nations (problems) are stronger than we are. How can we drive them out?' But, do not be afraid of them; REMEMBER well what the Lord your God did the Pharaoh and to all Egypt. You saw with your own eyes the great trials, the miraculous signs and wonders, the mighty hand and outstretched arm, with which the Lord your God brought you out. The Lord your God will do the same to all the peoples (problems) that your now fear.
This past weekend, I REMEMBERED all that the Lord did to give me my wonderful husband and marriaged that he healed through the Glory days at Church of the Redeemer in the 70's. He showed me how powerful He was to provide that wonderful Glory experience at Billy's funeral service at the Church of the Redeemer. REMEMBERING turned to Fresh Experience this weekend when the Glory of God filled the church again and all that were there were strengthened by the sweetness of His Love. We had a rehearsal for the wedding that is coming. My heart was filled with intimate Love for all that were there and for my Bridegroom (Jesus) The fear of the nations(problems) that are in my path today was replaced with Hope that He will bring all that I and You need for this journey and we will soon come to the marriage feast but until then we will conquer the lands that the Lord has given us and many more sons and daughters will come to His Glory. God Bless You -Jennifer


  1. It was a wonderful weekend. Thank you so much! And I saw the Lord so much reflected in your eyes.

  2. Thank You, Jesus! for bringing healing to my sweet sister, Jennifer!
    Jennifer, thank you for all you did to make this weekend happen! I love this post! I remembered this weekend, as well.

  3. Such a wonderful weekend with the Lord and friends...

  4. Jennifer, thank you for posting this. It is good for me to remember all the Lord has done with my trials in the past. He can and will do it in the future. I am soooo glad I read this.
    Now on to believing what He has promised for Bethany. :))Barb
